Call for Abstract

International Conference on food technology & beverages, will be organized around the theme “Promoting New Dimensions in Healthy Food”

Food-meet-2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 41 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food-meet-2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. Beverage is any kind of liquid. We are always taking water, Water is a beverage item. Water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, beer and any kind of drinks item are listed in beverage items. Actually, beverage means any kind of Liquid item. The food and beverage service is part of the service-oriented hospitality sector. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Any product meant for human consumption, aside from pharmaceuticals, passes through this industry.

  • Track 1-1Food Industry
  • Track 1-2Beverages industry
  • Track 1-3Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

A food which is given an extra function which relates to disease prevention or health promotion with added ingredients that are not present in that food stuff or more of an existing ingredient. They may have physiological benefits and decreases the chance of chronic diseases and consumed along with daily diet.

  • Track 2-1 Physiological benefits
  • Track 2-2Ancient nutrients

Food preservation prevents the growth of microorganisms (such as yeasts), or other microorganisms (although some methods work by introducing benign bacteria or fungi to the food), as well as slowing the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity. Food preservation may also include processes that inhibit visual deterioration, such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut during food preparation. Although the traditional methods of food preservation guarantee its safety, application of these methods in food systems promotes the loss of temperature sensitive compounds, denaturation of proteins, alteration of food structures, change of colour and taste of the products, and formation of new undesirable substances. Thus today there is a growing interest in using no thermal processing methods for preservation of food products.

  • Track 3-1Growth of microorganisms (such as yeasts)
  • Track 3-2Microorganisms (although some methods work by introducing benign bacteria or fungi to the food)
  • Track 3-3Thermal processing methods for preservation of food products

Food chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods. The biological substances include such items as   meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk as examples. It is similar to biochemistry in its main components such as carbohydrates, lipids, and protein, but it also includes areas such as water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavours, and colours.


  • Track 4-1Non-biological component
  • Track 4-2Biological components
  • Track 4-3 Biochemistry

The food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Beverage is any kind of liquid. We are always taking water, Water is a beverage item. Water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, beer and any kind of drinks item are listed in beverage items. Actually, beverage means any kind of Liquid item. The food and beverage service is part of the service-oriented hospitality sector.

  • Track 5-1Processing raw food materials
  • Track 5-2Packaging raw food materials
  • Track 5-3Distributing of food raw materials

Food biotechnology is defined as the application of various technologies that uses the living microorganisms, plants and animals or their derivatives to make or modify the processes or the end products for specific use. Foods obtained from plant or animal sources begin to spoil soon after harvest or slaughter. The enzymes contained in the cells of plant and animal tissues may be released as a result of any mechanical damage inflicted during postharvest handling. These enzymes begin to break down the cellular material. The chemical reactions catalysed by the enzymes result in the degradation of food quality, such as the development of off-flavours, the deterioration of texture, and the loss of nutrients. The typical microorganisms that cause food spoilage are bacteria (e.g., Lactobacillus), yeasts (e.g., Saccharomyces), and molds (e.g., Rhizopus).

  • Track 6-1Living microorganisms
  • Track 6-2Degradation of food quality
  • Track 6-3Loss of nutrients
  • Track 6-4 The deterioration of texture

Food process may be a series of unit operations to convert unprocessed food-to-foodstuffs with a protracted amount of your time and modify storage that abolishes or reduces time or effort spent in preparation procedures for increased consumption. The principle of food process inside the bulk of developing countries helps to vary style, aroma, and texture to boost period and aesthetic properties and to boost the nutritional value of foods. High-quality foods in greatest demand are very decay able foods. Fortuitously, most decayable foods square measure usually preserved by the considered use of present technology.

  • Track 7-1Convert unprocessed food-to-foodstuffs
  • Track 7-2 Preparation procedures for increased consumption

Food Microbiology studies the position of microorganisms in meals. It includes parts of microbial ecology in food additionally because the use of microorganisms for the producing of ingredients and food. Moreover, some microorganisms represent a massive venture for public health due to their ability to cause diseases. Food maintenance targets at inactivating and dominant the boom of mortify microorganisms, making sure shelf-stable and healthful ingredients. Thus, continuous efforts between food industries, governments, and society are created to reinforce applied statistical sampling gear and microbiological approaches with the intention to grasp the mechanisms that have a bearing at the fate of microorganisms in ingredients.

  • Track 8-1 The position of microorganisms in meals
  • Track 8-2Microbial ecology in food
  • Track 8-3 Shelf-stable and healthful ingredients
  • Track 8-4Microbiological approaches

Nanotechnology is technology is performed at the Nano scale and it can refer to the creation of new nanomaterial with specific properties or the use of nanomaterial in technology and also use of an existing technology  to produce nanoparticles. While many naturally-occurring nanomaterial’s exist. Nanotechnology advances have been applied to innumerable industries ranging from electronics and batteries to medicine and food products. In the food industry, nanotechnology has been utilized in order to enhance the delivery of food ingredients to target sites, increase flavour, inhibit bacterial growth, extend product shelf life and improve food safety. It involves the manipulation of microscopic matter that ranges from 1 to 100 nm in size. Because food and water are naturally made up of particles that are on the nanometre scale, engineered nanoparticles are able to penetrate these products easily based on their similar properties. These particles can act as a whole unit by performing similar transportation functions that prove useful in almost every industry, particularly involving food products

  • Track 9-1Nanomaterial
  • Track 9-2Nano scale
  • Track 9-3Nano scale
  • Track 9-4Packaging techniques

Food Packaging and Preservation, explores recent approaches to preserving and prolonging safe use of food products while also maintaining the properties of fresh foods. This volume contains valuable information and novel ideas regarding recently investigated packaging techniques and their implications on food bioengineering. In addition, classical and modern packaging materials and the impact of materials science on the development of smart packaging approaches are discussed. This book is a one-stop-shop for anyone in the food industry seeking to understand how bioengineering can foster research and innovation.

  • Track 10-1Food Packaging and Preservation
  • Track 10-2Preserving and prolonging safe

Food Packaging and Preservation, explores recent approaches to preserving and prolonging safe use of food products while also maintaining the properties of fresh foods. This volume contains valuable information and novel ideas regarding recently investigated packaging techniques and their implications on food bioengineering. In addition, classical and modern packaging materials and the impact of materials science on the development of smart packaging approaches are discussed. This book is a one-stop-shop for anyone in the food industry seeking to understand how bioengineering can foster research and innovation.


Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness. This is achieved through good hygiene and handling practices. Food hygiene is the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting, processing, storage, distribution, transportation and preparation. This ensures food is fit for human consumption and avoids food poisoning, which is an acute, infectious or toxic illness, usually of sudden onset, caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water. Food safety considerations include the origins of food including the practices relating to food labelling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for foods.

  • Track 12-1Scientific discipline
  • Track 12-2 Good hygiene and handling practices
  • Track 12-3 Export inspection and certification

An unusual reaction by the immune system to certain food or components of food is called a food allergy. Common symptoms include itching, reddening, rashes, vomiting or even diarrhoea. Although any food can set off an allergic reaction, milk, eggs and nuts are the most common sources. People allergic to certain food must ensure that they compensate for the nutrients by consuming alternatives in their diet.

  • Track 13-1 Unusual reaction
  • Track 13-2Itching, reddening, rashes, vomiting ,diarrhea

Food toxicology deals with how natural or synthetic poisons and toxicants in various food products cause harmful, detrimental, or adverse side effects in living organisms. Food Toxicology shields with various aspects of food safety and toxicology, including the study of the nature, properties, effects, and detection of toxic substances in food and their disease manifestations in humans. It will also include other phases of consumer product safety. Radioactive components, heavy metals, or the packaging materials used in food processing are examples of such substances. A food toxicologist studies toxicants in food, the health effects of high nutrient intakes, and the connection between toxicants and nutrients.

  • Track 14-1Synthetic poisons and toxicants
  • Track 14-2Radioactive components, heavy metals
  • Track 14-3Connection between toxicants and nutrients.

As the financial prudence of many countries are increasing, the customers have started using processed food more than the staples. As a matter of fact world-wide food processing technology business has extended to multi trillion dollars. It was reported that around, 16 million people work in the food industry. Recent improvements in food processing and technology are not only important to meet the increasing productivity demands but to adopt erudite automation, control and monitoring methods and techniques.

  • Track 15-1World-wide food processing technology
  • Track 15-2Adopt erudite automation
  • Track 15-3 Control and monitoring methods and techniques.